by Caitlin Marsanskis, Senior Executive Director at the Grande at South Portland

Change can be challenging. It can also be exciting. Think of the times in your life things have changed – when you went to college, got married, had children or bought a new home. Often, these are the types of changes we have more control over. There are other changes that feel more negative to us, and those are the ones in which we don’t have as much control or choice.
Our emotions play a key role in our decision making, and preparation is the key to success. Choosing to move into a Senior Living community can be life changing. There are many reasons seniors choose to no longer live at home alone. Some common ones are poor nutrition and social isolation. Senior living provides three nutritious meals a day along with proper hydration. Having a peer group works wonders for social isolation; people are meant to be together. As we age, our social connections diminish. There can be a lot of perceived loss - loss of spouse/family, loss of independence (such as driving), and the world of a senior sometimes shrinks to the four walls of their home. A home that can be difficult to leave.
So how do you choose the right Senior Living Community? No two assisted living communities are created equal – it really is the people that make the difference. Most communities offer the same amenities: meals, housekeeping and laundry, medication management and care services when needed.
Explore your options now, before catastrophe strikes. See what feels best for you and your loved ones. Are you looking for a certain apartment size? Do you want luxury finishes? Is the total size of the community important to you? What location do you want to spend the next chapter of your life? It’s so much easier to focus on these choices if there aren’t added stressors. In this industry, we too often see those that must make a quick decision based on a challenging need. Perhaps mom had a fall and fractured her hip, and the hospital says they can’t send her home alone. Or dad forgot to turn the stove off and the kitchen curtains caught fire, and now the condo isn’t safe to be in.
Visit Senior Living Communities that appeal to you before you have to make a quick decision. This way, you will have done your research and feel confident that you have chosen best. Don’t wait for the perfect time – it doesn’t exist. The time is now.